Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A great NCNM photo

Just got this great photo from Jeff G. He said he contacted SD Public Broadcasting about putting the Tracterz's No cover No Minimum appearance up on their web site. They told him they didn't have the legal rights to do so but sent him this picture from the show instead. That's pretty cool on their part and on Jeff's for sending it along. Maybe I'll have to do some checking on who holds the rights to the video I see about getting a release. (You can click on the photo to see a bigger version.)


Steve Martini said...

Hey kids! Steve from The Tracterz here. Great to see the people still appreciate the band. As for legal rights, Mmmmmm?? If SDPB doesn't own it who does?? As for myself I have been back in the music biz full time for the last 4 years. Some of my newer projects include "Steve Martini", my lounge personna and my rockabilly trio..
Big Red Rawkit Riot. You can find em on google I believe. Thanks again everyone.. Steve

Jambo said...

Hey Steve! Thanks for checking in and passing along the info on your new projects. I'll let some of my SD friends know to keep an eye out for you. If you ever play a show in the Twin cities area let me know ahead of time and I might be able to turn out a friend or 5. I'll also post your links (I Googled them up already) in a new entry here.