Friday, January 20, 2006

A Tracterz blog?

Actually this is just a quick and free way to get started on a web site for a band that I spent many many hours listening to in the early 80s. I've done a Google search a couple times to see if there is anything on the web about them and thought it was too bad that there wasn't really much out there. I have an old set list and a couple posters hiding somewhere in my basement and once I find them I will get them posted. In the meantime, if any other fans or members of the band come across this page and want to add something please post a comment or send me an email. When I think I have enough content to make it worthwhile I will look into web hosting and puttting up a site with text, pictures, and maybe even some sound files (I have a tape of a live show somewhere.) I had some of the best nights of my college life watching The Tracterz and I know there are others who felt the same way. For those of us coming of age back then and trying desperately to find a way to be cool in eastern South Dakota these guys were a godsend. I'm hoping some of the folks who shared the experience manage to find this site and add their 2 cents worth.